Wednesday, June 20, 2007



I love to volunteer! >_< So I helped out at the Rotary International convention this last weekend... I got to see a peace treaty between Japan and the US, well at least that's what I think it was... It was sooooo fun to be there!! I signed the peace wall!! :) Yay! Anywho!!!



Placebo is my absolutely my favorite band ever!!! They rock my fetching socks off!!! Well I thought I'd let you know!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007


I'm sorry!

I'm so sorry! It's Mika not Mica!! Silly me!! hahaha! Lawl, well i gtg.. =)Chelsea(=


I Feel So Sick...

It's Easter... I ate too much candy... I feel sick... I think I'm gonna chunk! Gross!! Well, uh, I've eaten so much candy you wouldn't blame me if I threw up all over your lap, okay?? So don't be mad at me, i think?? Well, I am extremely "woo hoo" right now so I can't even think. BloobA~
Know what are cool?? Upside down exclamation marks. Those are sweet. I'm listening to Mica right now. They are cool, seriously... Check them out!!!



Okay, I just found a cool band. They're new, i think, anyway they are Mica!! They are cool & funny! Check 'em out! Try this website, you can buy the album here.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


ToOtIe FrUiTiEs

tootie fruities, just like fruit loops, but better. in ways...

1. you get more for your money
2. they taste exactly like fruit loops
3. they have kangaroos on the bag
4. they have a pour fresh zipper top
5. tootie sounds funny!!

so when it comes down to it, if fruit loops lowered their price and made a bigger, zippered pouch, you'd just have to decide, "kangaroos? or toucans?"


hApPy AnYdAy!! (error report...)

Oops! It's under Johnny Depp, not at the bottom of the page, more of the middle. Sorry!!


hApPy AnYdAy!!

Look at the bottom of the page!! Now you can be happy anyday! I hope that all your days are happy and joyful!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Jr. High School

Jr. High, the place we were all warned about! As you ask people more about it you become more afraid of going and of course you know you will be called a sevvy (techie term for 7th grade goofball). Initiation to Jr. High starts with trying to figure out your locker. "Now just how the heck do i do this?!" you ask yourself. And that was what you were most excited about! "Crap!!! The bell is going to ring in 3 minutes!!" You dash to your first class and then the bell rings, you barely made it! "We're going to have about a jillion hours of homework!!" Jr. High, you know it all too well... But do we ever consider the bright sides? It really isn't THAT much homework, theres going to be school dances, hot guys, and more lunch choices!! This week try thinking of ten positive things for every negitive. It's hard but it helps make school, or work, more bearable.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


The Baby Died

The baby bird passed away on the same day i said he made it! Or the day after... I cried and cried and CRIED!!!!! I loved the birdie and he didn't make it! Well I guess he had something wrong with him on the inside because of his fall out of the nest. It was terrible :'(

Friday, July 07, 2006


Yes, He Made It

The baby robin made the night and is doing very well! His foot is getting better and he hops alittle now. He loves to eat, in fact that is one of the main things he does; eat, sleep, poop, cry. That's it! We feed him gerber baby food, the all natural vegetable ones and he loves them... I will keep you updated on how he's doing so check back often!


Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Baby Robin

Yesterday, yes the 4th of July, a baby robin fell from his nest, make that two baby robins. One lived and one didn't ='( The one that did make it is with me, I am taking care of it. We thought that robins identified their young by smell but get this; robins identify their young by sight!! So now when we get home we are going to put the baby in a bigger box and it will chirp from hunger (cause we're not going to feed it then) and the mama will swoop down and pick it up and bring it to her nest, right?? I'll let you know how it turns out. See ya!!

.: Chelsea :.

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